Pulse Centers XL PRO Elite

At Vital Health Solutions PMA, we proudly offer the Pulse Centers XL PRO Elite. The XL PRO Elite is designed for advanced practitioners looking to offer full-service PEMF to their clients. It includes all five accessories and the solid-state XL PRO system.

PEMF Therapy – Pulse Centers: FAQ’s

What Is High Voltage PEMF?

Healing is Voltage by Jerry Tennant

PEMF therapy – Pulse Centers – as explained by Dr. Jerry Tennant:

  • All life is energy, and all energy is electromagnetic
  • The cells in the body require electricity
  • When the cells drop their electrical charge to a certain level, they become sick
  • The first sign of illness is usually pain
  • Chronic disease (pain) is always defined by low electrical charge
  • With enough voltage and raw materials, the body can heal almost anything

Jerry Tennant is a respected doctor who graduated from Yale University School of Medicine. He completed extensive research on this topic and wrote a book all about it! For a more thorough and in-depth understanding of PEMF check out his book.


What is PEMF cellular exercise?

As summarized by Jerry Tennant, PEMF Therapy is a way to recharge every cell in your body so your cells can function optimally by circulating nutrients and expelling toxins. Pain is the number one sign your cells need energy support. Additional signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances. All these warning signs are your body’s cry for help.

Your body benefits from coming into direct contact with the earth’s magnetic field — it’s one of the reasons people love walking on the beach. The ocean’s salt water is an excellent conductor that increases the transfer of energy from earth to body.

The earth’s electromagnetic field (EMF) is safe and beneficial. Unfortunately, our cells are bombarded with destructive energy from modern technology like mobile phones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, computer screens, and high-tension wires that produce an EMF at an extreme level.

Each cell in your body is like a battery, designed to hold an optimal amount of energy. Think of your cells like a mobile phone — over time they lose their charge. Poor nutrition, injury, toxicity, scar tissue, and inflammation are examples of things that drain your cell battery.

As explained above, every cell in your body can benefit from PEMF because every cell in your body needs an optimal charge.

  • FDA approval of PEMF:
  • 1979 – for bone loss (it was even used by NASA to support the astronauts when they returned to Earth)
  • 1987 – for post-operative edema and pain
  • 2004 – as an adjunct to cervical fusion surgery
  • 2011 – for depression


Does PEMF cellular exercise hurt?

No, you will feel a gentle pulsing or tapping. In fact, many times our clients doze off during their sessions.

Is PEMF safe?

Absolutely! This therapy charges your cells and allows them to function at their fullest capacity. In fact, Experiments conducted at Old Dominion University (supported by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research) observed the effects of ultra-powerful pulses on living tissue. Thus revealing, “these powerful, ultrashort voltage pulses do something nothing else can — harmlessly slip past the cell’s exterior to shock the vital structures within.”

Will I have to undress for PEMF?

No. All PEMF therapy can be done while you are fully clothed. Although, we do recommend you remove your shoes and any metal objects.

What if I've had joint replacement surgery?

That’s no problem. You can still participate in PEMF therapy if you have metal screws, plates, rods, or joints .

What ages can benefit from PEMF cellular exercise?

There are no age restrictions; senior citizens particularly enjoy PEMF, but regardless of age, your cells love a charge!

Who should NOT have PEMF?

If you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, have a history of seizure, or have any electronic device implanted in your body (that cannot be removed for the session), PEMF is not an option for you.

How long are PEMF sessions?

Depending on your wellness challenges, we recommend 60 or 90 minute sessions. The best place to start is with three 1-hour sessions within 10 days or less.

What are the benefits of PEMF cellular exercise?

PEMF Cellular Exercise supports the body’s own healing ability by replenishing the natural charge that exists in healthy cells. Therefore, when your body is healthy you sleep better, experience more energy, and are less likely to experience pain and inflammation.

History & FDA

What is the history of PEMF cellular exercise?

In the 1800’s, Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current and magnetic loop coil. Then, in the early 1900’s, Dr Harold Saxton Burr, Professor of Anatomy at Yale University School of Medicine, proved that disease was preceded by a quantifiable imbalance in our electrical charge. Later, in 1959, Jerry Tennant studied under Dr Burr at Yale and supports Burr’s research with his own. Tennant states, “with enough voltage and raw materials, the body can heal almost anything.” Therefore, the first PEMF devices were invented in the 1900’s in the Czech Republic combining the research of doctors like Burr and Tennant with the discoveries of scientists like Tesla.

Is PEMF FDA approved?

Yes, the FDA first approved PEMF for bone loss in 1979. Over the years, it has also been approved for post-operative edema and pain, depression, and as an adjunct to cervical fusion surgery.

What is the Pulse XL PRO Elite?

The Pulse XL PRO Elite is the only Cellular Exercise system in the world to combine solid-state engineering, integrated electronics, and user-controlled adjustable pulse and magnetic field strength. Thus, this unit produces a powerful pulsing experience manifested by a sensation noticed directly in the area of issue. Therefore, it is very clear to the user that something is happening as they can literally feel the issue being addressed. In fact, the issue can start to fade after the very first session! We combine the PEMF table, chair, pads, paddles, and rings to create a wellness program that is focused on your specific needs!

What would it look like for me?

How many sessions would I need?

Different problems require different amounts of treatment. Therefore, your intake assessment will determine how many sessions you need. We have affordable packages available.

How far apart should I space my PEMF sessions?

The effects of PEMF are cumulative. Usually we recommend you come at least twice a week when you first start. However, you can come every day if that works for you!

How will I feel after my session?

Most people report feeling great; although feeling tired or achy after your session may indicate that many toxins were released from your cells during your session. This detox reaction can be reduced by taking your supplement protocol determined by the Qest4 scan. Please let us know so that your next session can be gentler. 

What can I do to get the most from PEMF?

It is essential to support any wellness program with a clean diet (including fresh fruits and vegetables) and hydration. Additionally, we recommend following a customized Qest4 supplement protocol. We also always recommend chiropractic care to support total body healing. Any therapy you try can be more effective when your cells and your brain talk to each other and energy is flowing optimally throughout your nervous system, .


Do I need a doctor referral to schedule an appointment?

No. We do not require a referral.

Will insurance cover my sessions?

We are not an approved provider for any insurance company. Therefore, you should check with your insurance company to see if they will reimburse you for part or all of your sessions. You can also check with an administrator of your Health Savings Account to see if those funds can be used for your PEMF sessions.

How do I schedule a PEMF session?

Please schedule an appointment by filling out this form or call (605) 646-3162 (please leave a message with return phone number and email). You can also email us at vital.health.solutions.pma@gmail.com.

How PEMF therapy helped an American Ninja Warrior:

To learn more and to see testimonials, please visit the Pulse PEMF YouTube channel here.