
Alternative Health Benefits: What our clients have to say

“1 month results:
No stomach pain – 30 years
No more hip or knee pain – 3 years
No more puffy red eyes – 15 years
Normal bathroom stops now – 25 years
(frequent colon/bladder stops every 1-3 hours)
Healed of microscopic colitis (Crohn’s) – 7 years
Sleep amazing
Abdominal swelling decreasing
Increased energy and health while on the campaign trail!
Thank you Connie and Vital Health Solutions PMA”

-Monae Johnson
Rapid City/Pierre, SD

I no longer need to use an ice pack to control the pain in my leg (for over 25 years).

“My name is Ken Lester, I retired from First National Bank of the Black Hills. Also worked at Thomas Old’s Cadillac, McKie Ford and my own accounting business. After I retired in 1995 my late wife and I bought a motor home and decided to travel. Shortly while driving I developed a pain in the back of my right thigh in one 2 inch spot, when I’m sitting. Its ok when I’m standing or moving. The pain in my thigh after one hour of driving would increase to a 9 to 10 level. To try to get relief, I went to the medical community. I spent about 2 years seeing a Chiropractor. I spent 1 ½ years seeing a Physical Therapist. I spent several years working with a Neurologist who tested me for Sciatica. The Neurologist referred me to: Orthopedic Surgeon, who prescribed X-rays, Cat Scans and MRI’s, then sent me to a pain specialist, who working with X-ray injected a pain killer into my spine At L4, L5 and S1 vertebra , 3 different times. He did the same thing two more times. Then to a Massage Specialist where I had 6 months of treatment. Then suggested an Acupuncturist where I had 5 months of treatment. That covers the 25 years of treatment from 1995 to 2020 not in that order. I have made the pain bearable for 25 years by carrying an ice pack and sitting on it.

About a year ago my wife and I met Connie Fenenga of Vital Health Solutions. As we were talking I told her about my problem and the journey. After a couple of conversations, she said you have tried everything else, maybe I can help. She has worked with me on my nutrition, my history, my activity, medicines I use, things I put on my skin, things I put in my mouth and treatments I have had. She is the most knowledgeable and professional person that I have met in her field. Connie using her extensive knowledge and training of a very highly advanced scientific technique of Bioenergetic functional evaluation and electro-magnetic signals helped my body to repair and heal itself.

The next thing you will ask is well what happened? I have had 30 treatments of 1 hour each and my pain level has gone from 9 to 10 Level to 3 to 4 level with no medicine, no X-rays, no cat scan, no MRI’s, no needles and no drugs. I am continuing to see Connie and highly recommend her.”

-Ken Lester, Rapid City, SD

“When I met Connie Fenenga, she told me about her business, Vital Health Solutions PMA, and what her goals were to help her clients. So I decided to begin her treatment plan. She used this fabulous system to test and determine where my problem areas were and we began her protocol.

We began with a variety of all natural supplements that truly enhance the treatment. Then she started me on this dynamite pulse therapy machine that makes you feel good all over! I did 20 treatments and they were wonderful.

Connie is highly educated and well trained in this therapy. She has studied under many world-renowned doctors and therapists and reads tons of books to keep herself current in any new developments. I believe Connie knows more about your body than most medical doctors and chiropractors.

Here are a few of the treatments and successes I had:

  • Pain in my right hip and thigh: gone
  • Pain in my right shoulder and upper arm: much improved
  • Arthritic hands: much better
  • Feet cramps: gone
  • Gas and/or indigestion after meals: gone
  • Chronic cough: improved
  • Unusual chest/abdominal/arms sensations: less frequent

This therapy was a wonderful experience and would recommend it to everyone. I was not as faithful with the supplement part of this as I should have been and feel that if I would have been I would have had better results.

Thank you Connie.”
-Carol Cummings (83 years old), Rapid City, SD

“When I first heard about pulse therapy, I was quite skeptical. But then I started doing the pulse therapy. I was very surprised with the quick positive results. I have always had lower back pain since I was a child. The pulse therapy made a huge improvement in relieving my lower back pain. I also injured my right shoulder in my early 20s and have been in constant pain ever since. The pulse therapy has brought relief to this pain as well. The floaters in my eyes (for about 5 years) have improved and almost disappeared. The buzzing in my ears (for over 15 years) is all gone. For 40 years I had dry coughing spells every morning, but that has gone away too. For 10 years I used to have bowel movements in the middle of the night, but now I can get a full night’s sleep with no interruptions. My elbow and thigh athletic injuries have recovered too. I had severe toothaches which have also disappeared. Connie’s holistic approach views the body as a whole, rather than just exclusively focusing on certain parts. She understands the importance of recommending the right nutritional balance and homeopathy combined with the correct electrical charge to help the body repair itself.”
-Peter Vodenka, Author of Journey for Freedom, Rapid City, SD

“I tested for clostridium tetani after puncturing my finger on a rusty nail. After following Connie’s protocol I have had no issues or symptoms, nor have I needed a tetanus shot. Thanks Connie!”
-NT, Rapid City, SD

“Vital Health Solutions PMA is the real deal! I started getting severe stomach pain and sickness early in November and I was aware that I needed to change something. I had 3 full weeks of floating through life. I missed 7 days of work and was having very severe stomach pains that would take me down for hours or days. In talking to many people in the field I soon learned it could be a stomach ulcer. I found myself on the medical rat-race… yes, I just made that a real thing. I was calling a gastroenterologist to schedule an appointment that was 2 months out! I called urgent cares and was told to take Zantac or Prilosec until they could do further testing. I remember having an “ah-ha” moment thinking ‘what am I doing?’ These drugs won’t fix me… I must fix me. I knew I’ve had bad sleep, bad diet, and pure exhaustion so surely that must play a role in how I feel. It’s then that it hit me to call Connie at Vital Health Solutions PMA. I realized she would help me with a natural remedy for my symptoms, not cover them up. I scanned and learned more about what was going on with my stomach and esophagus. I followed the regimen that was suggested 100%. Within THREE days my stomach pains (or ulcers I was told) were GONE! Within a week I gained back all my energy and by two weeks I was back to working out full-time and feeling AWESOME. It fueled my body with what it needed and helped me heal. I’d strongly encourage you to give it a try, none of it can hurt you or have any long-term side effects… can you say that about any of your other current medications?

What Vital Health Solutions PMA offers is needed and will make an impact for the positive in your life, health, and energy.”

Rapid City, SD

“Since participating in the Qest4 and the Pulse Therapy over the past 3 weeks, I have noticed the following:

  1. I am less fatigued especially in the late afternoon.
  2. I have less brain fog.
  3. I did not get my “normal” 3 day premenstrual headache. These were very debilitating to where I would end up staying home in bed for a day or 2.
  4. My bladder control issues are improving.

I am very excited for what is to come since I am seeing these benefits so soon.”

Carol S.
Rapid City, SD

“I am an 84 year old male who has been on high quality supplements from Vital Health Solutions PMA for six months. Some challenges to me are polymyalgia rheumatica, congestive heart failure, lung problems, diabetes, and nearly constant headaches. In 2014, before adding these supplements, I had 29 ER visits and several hospital stays. My life was very much restricted by my illnesses. Since taking these supplements, I have seen amazing changes in my body and lifestyle. A number of things that have improved include increased energy and enjoyment of activities to a much greater extent, improvement of skin that was once very dark and is now much healthier, much less edema, finger nail fungus has been completely cured and my toenails are much improved. I have much more time to enjoy life since I have few ER and hospital visits and less frequent doctor appointments. It amazes my wife and me what Vital Health Solutions PMA high quality supplements can do.

I have my life back.”

Sioux Falls, SD

“I play defensive back for the South Dakota School of Mines & Technology. I have a dislocated shoulder which pops out every game and restricts my mobility for a couple days or weeks.

After one session, I already feel better in regards to my mobility as I am able to fully stretch my arms above my head.”

-Steven N.

“I play football at South Dakota School of Mines. I was having a lot of lower back and pelvic pain. I came in for one session and could feel relief in both areas as well as other areas that I previously had trouble and issues with.

I think this is a great rehab solution to help people improve their over all health.

-Dominick J.

“My lymphatic condition with my legs has shown great change in a few days after using Pulse and taking the Qest4 protocol.  Also my sleep is better,  breathing is better, and I am not as fatigued.  I have more energy, and even my complexion is looking better.”
-Glenda S.

“I had the opportunity to do 2 Pulse sessions during the summer.  I was having some achilles issues from running and haven’t had any pain since!

Connie was great to work with and is very knowledgeable.”

-Emily W.

“My fingers used to hurt really bad every day and lock up doing the simple stuff like tying my shoes. I did the Qest4 customized nutritional protocol and the pulse package. Since I’ve been doing this my fingers don’t lock up anymore and they don’t even hurt!

Now I can do the simple every day things without pain.”

-Carol S.