Vital Health Solutions PMA offers the newest technology in alternative health.
Alternative Health: Your body is like a house.
To build a house, you need structure, building materials, and instructions. First, the structure is your bones and muscles. Body adjustments keep this framework aligned. Second, the building materials are vitamins, minerals, and macro-nutrients. These make your cells work. Finally and most importantly, the instructions are found in your DNA. Sadly, these instructions can get lost or written over. This could cause, for example, calcium build up where it doesn’t belong. A healthy body has structure, building materials, and instructions that work together in balance.
The body can heal itself only when the materials and instructions are in balance.
We offer alternative health methods to help identify and correct imbalances. Combining bioenergetic & functional medicine, technology, and nutrition, our methods help the body repair, regenerate and rebuild.
It’s wonderful to enjoy life when you have your health.